Möllenhoff Rechtsanwälte has been advising companies in the areas of Tax Law | Customs Law | Foreign Trade and in particular Export Control Law for many years. Our aim is to create the legal and economic preconditions for the realization of your ideas through efficient and practical legal solutions.
Dr. Ulrich Möllenhoff, Hajo Nohr and Heiko Panke are certified specialist lawyers for Tax Law. Dr. Möllenhoff additionally holds the certified qualifications as a specialist lawyer for Banking and Capital Market Law, Stefan Dinkhoff the certified qualifications as a specialist lawyer for International Economic Law as well as for Administrative Law. Our specialization follows from numerous process assignments, trainings and lectureship. We regularly publish our practical experiences in specialist articles and books. Consultancy with a recognized qualification and a high degree of specialization is self-evident and without alternatives to us. It is thus possible to solve the regularly complex cases arising in Tax, Customs and Foreign Trade Law efficiently.
As a team of five lawyers, we advise individuals and companies of all sizes. We also often cooperate with tax advisers, banks, financial advisors and their clients, if (for legal or economic reasons) individual legal questions or cases are transferred to us. In doing so, we place emphasis on an efficient division of labor in which the mandate relationship is respected.
Our special consultancy competence has been repeatedly awarded objectively: In July 2019 the German business newspaper "Handelsblatt" published (in cooperation with the U.S. publishing house "Best Lawyers") the ranking "Germany's Best Lawyers 2019“. The founder and owner of our law firm Dr. Ulrich Möllenhoff has been recommended for the seventh time in a row as one of Germany's best lawyers in Tax Law. The ranking is based on confidential recommendations, in which thousands of lawyers are asked about which colleagues they would recommend to their clients outside their own law firm, should they not be able to assume the mandate themselves. We are pleased about this renewed appreciation of our special expertise and take this award as an incentive to continue providing our clients with first-class advice.
Since 1997 we cross borders for you
In the heart of Münster/Westphalia, Germany
100% independent and proprietor-run
6 specialized colleagues: our focus is on taxes, customs & foreign trade
KISS - Keep It Short and Simple: practicable and appropriate solutions
You know us: professional exchange among specialized colleagues and constant contact points make us efficient and reliable
We maintain a close relationship with our clients helping them with their day to day business. Whilst we provide our clients with the legal answers to their questions in a cost effective way we bear in mind that our clients are seeking swift and pragmatic answers to their questions that allow them to progress their business. more
Möllenhoff Rechtsanwälte
Owner: Dr. Ulrich Möllenhoff, Rechtsanwalt, Fachanwalt für Steuerrecht
Königsstraße 46
48143 Münster
tel. +49 251 85713 0
fax +49 251 85713 10